Monday, September 2, 2013

Bike Ride Labor Day Weekend 2013

We took a road trip this past long weekend.
It was fun!

This is the man on his dream bike.

This is the dash.



I took pictures with my phone, see the trailer, see the man, I was lucky to get that shot of him.

We left our home Saturday morning about 8:45 am, then went
back to the house twice.
The first time we forgot the charging cable for our intercom system,
the second time because the chains on the trailer
would come off with each bounce on the road.

Of course the man knew just how to fix it.

Uh, did I mention I sprained my right ankle and very badly bruised my index
toe on the left foot on Thursday night ?
I stayed home from work Friday so I could keep my ankle elevated.

It worked, I wore my lace up ankle boots to compress
the ankle and traveled quite well.

I got that of the two of us in one shot!

We arrived at my cousins new place about 3pm, we mostly took back roads, a little I-75 on the last bit, we were getting tired and HOT. We're not as young as we used to be. 

ok I did something stupid and deleted some of my photos...I've tried putting them back in........

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