Sunday, May 4, 2014

The search, or most of it

Well we've discussed my need (want) of a new motorcycle and so the search began.

First the man had to sell a few projects, one Mazda, two scooters and the Yamaha motorcycle I tried out, but he didn't want to fiddle with, so with a little cash in his pockets the search began.

We visited a few dealers to see what they had used and whether I could touch the ground sitting on them. None really allowed me to be flat footed, just toes and ball of the foot reach. Started combing through craigslist, looking for various models, kept dreaming about what I saw at bike week.....

But, you know out of our price range and thought I was going to end up with this....

Which is a whole other story.

But after I test drove a beauty of a 2007 V-Star that was white and that I was totally flat footed on and really, really wanted but the man couldn't get the deal he wanted, and it seemed a little not sound of motor, so the search continued to the following weekend when

we found this purple beauty of a 2003 V-Star, 650......